Let us bring you peace of mind and remove some of life’s uncertainty by helping you design an effective financial strategy.

Do you find yourself budgeting your money only when needs arise? Do you have objectives in mind, but don’t know where to start? It’s never too early or too late to begin planning for your long-term future or to achieve your short-term goals.

Saving for your first home, buying a vacation house, college tuition costs, starting or expanding a business, plus a multitude of unplanned, unexpected life events can be a financial challenge. The 818 Group will work with you to identify achievable goals, opportunities to grow your wealth, and build potential strategies that protect your financial security and allow you to live your dreams. Together, we can lay the foundation for a solid financial plan that addresses both today and the future.

Creating a financial plan that encompasses your family’s lives or your business with all the complexity and potential change that goes along with it might seem like an overwhelming prospect. In addition to our vast financial knowledge, we offer a tool that is easy to follow and understand so you feel more confident and in control of your finances. The LEAP® SYSTEM™ PS&G Model allows you to look at the big picture of your financial life. We know each client’s needs are unique and should be evaluated as such. With LEAP®, you can simulate multiple financial strategies and compare the outcomes in order to choose which plan works best for you, your family or your business. LEAP® gives you a better understanding of how your money is working for you and is dynamic enough so that when changes do occur, you can quickly and easily visualize solutions or opportunities for growth.

Take control. Take the first step and contact us today.

Let’s get started.

    (click to enlarge)

    LEAP System Model Information


    818 Group will work with you to con­struct strate­gies which will help you achieve your dreams. Keith com­bines a high level of integrity along with a vast knowl­edge of a vari­ety of finan­cial mat­ters to develop an effec­tive approach to max­i­miz­ing your wealth potential.

    Using the LEAP® Sys­tem and the Per­sonal Finan­cial Engi­neer­ing™ process, we have helped many clients under­stand how they can meet and exceed their finan­cial goals. Through edu­ca­tion, analy­sis and plan­ning, we will develop a new finan­cial strat­egy at no addi­tional out-of-pocket cost and no addi­tional risk to you. This new strat­egy will gen­er­ate more wealth and help pre­serve that wealth in a more effi­cient man­ner than cur­rent tra­di­tional methods.

    Our Process

    Intro­duc­tory Meeting

    After get­ting to know each other and dis­cussing your goals and dreams, we will intro­duce you to the Life­time Eco­nomic Accel­er­a­tion Process (LEAP®). We will talk about the fal­lac­ies of cur­rent finan­cial and estate plan­ning and we’ll set your expec­ta­tions for the future. You will leave this meet­ing with an under­stand­ing of my process and a Con­fi­den­tial Ques­tion­naire to be com­pleted prior to our next meet­ing.

    Ques­tion­naire Review Meeting

    Using the com­pleted ques­tion­naire along with the finan­cial doc­u­ments you have pro­vided, we will dis­cuss your cur­rent finan­cial pro­file.

    Pro­tec­tion, Sav­ings & Growth Model Meeting

    I will intro­duce you to the Pro­tec­tion Sav­ings & Growth (PS&G) model. Using the infor­ma­tion obtained in our sec­ond meet­ing we will look at your present finan­cial sit­u­a­tion and iden­tify the effec­tive­ness or inef­fec­tive­ness of your cur­rent strate­gies.

    Strat­egy Meetings

    Armed with the results of the PS&G Model meet­ing and our dis­cus­sions we will begin imple­ment­ing strate­gies to cre­ate addi­tional wealth with a min­i­mum of addi­tional expen­di­tures. The num­ber of meet­ings will depend on the com­plex­ity of your per­sonal finan­cial sit­u­a­tion.

    Wrap-Up and Review

    After com­plet­ing and imple­ment­ing the ini­tial plan; we will meet with you reg­u­larly (at least once a year) to review and mod­ify your plan where nec­es­sary to reflect any changes in your finan­cial status.